Friday, 5 April 2019

Smart Hybrid Energy Systems - A Revolution in Coastal Life

Amalgamation of Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, and Photovoltaic.
The amalgamation of wind, tidal and solar (WTS) energies to generate electricity is a novel technique which is progressively being utilized by the developed countries around the world for the uninterrupted power supply. 
 Pakistan is blessed with offshore wind, tidal and solar energy resources but still, we are unable to meet the electricity demands of our coastal areas. Why?
The power shortfall (approx. 960MW) in Baluchistan is a serious concern not only for the residents but for the potential commercialization of the impoverished region especially the undertakings of CPEC aren’t fully utilized until the energy shortage problem is addressed properly. The coastal area which is highly charged, if properly utilized can solve the prevailing problems of energy shortage.  The concept of power generation from a WTS hybrid energy system can be applied for the under-addressed issue. 

Renewable energy systems that extract power from sustainable sources like solar, wind and tides can supply power with low environmental impact and promise energy efficient operation. The biggest challenge, while producing power from renewable resources like solar, wind and tidal, is the uninterrupted supply of power. The solar power is best available during a clear sunny summer day, but on a cloudy day and during night time it doesn’t give any power. Wind energy can be best utilized by using the latest technologically advanced rotors but is highly unpredictable. Tidal energy has not been utilized very much due to the specificity of its installation area but is highly predictable. Various renewable energy systems have been developed for a wide range of applications, however, most studies are focused on the design of the energy conversion device for a single energy resource i.e., solar, wind and wave. With the variable nature of renewable energy resources, the major challenge for single resource systems is the intermittent power supply and increased capital cost of the power storage and management systems. To improve energy supply stability, we should consider the use of a Hybrid system that combines multiple sources together.

Renewable energy in general and hybrid systems is key to the future. As the demand for electrical power increases the supply of energy is the panacea that has the ability to overcome all the problems of a developing nation. China Pakistan Economic Corridor is the opportunity and another reason for Pakistan to meet its expectations of giving a viable environment for small and large industries to thrive. By introducing WTS the coastal area of Balochistan and Sindh can be utilized providing comfort and hundreds of jobs to the indigenous people. This amalgamation of wind, tidal and solar energies can be modified even redesigned according to the needs. The feasibility for such projects in the long coast of Baluchistan is worth noting: About 4 m/s wind speeds are noted for Pasni and Jiwani which are comparatively very high; the average monthly solar radiation intensity remains 136.05 to 287.36 W/m2 in the region. The designing of this project for the 750 km long coastal area is a crucial step to ensure a stable economy and around-the-clock energy supply to bolster business and financial null to eliminate the ever-present problems related to energy shortage.

This project is built at the coastal areas to cope up with high demands of electricity. It must be built immediately as the crisis of electricity is rampant and the economy of Pakistan is affected by it. If a whole power generation plant is not feasible then it should be mandatory to install it at a town like Jeewani or Gwadar because the energy consumption in those places is low compared to the other areas like Karachi or Hyderabad. The reason for that is the possibility of facilitated by it immediately. Regarding wind energy, we know that the wind speed is not constant all of the time we would need batteries to store the energy according to the need. The Hybrid can be connected to the national grid to compensate for the energy that is being consumed with a high rate. The use of high-quality products can affect the result positively, so it is recommended to use state-of-the-art equipment.
Image result for wind tidal solar energies hybrid energy system
Block Diagram

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